Kingdom - Animalia
Phylum - Chordata
Class - Mammalia
Order - Primates
Family - Hominidae
Genus - Homo
Species - Sapiens
Commonly Called - Human

We've had some Human encounters too.... Our researchers are hidden behind a holographic duck blind that allows the study of this Post-Industrial culture, though partially described as Hunter-Gatherer, without their knowledge. Here are a few pictures and notes taken during a recent observation.

We've nicknamed this one 'John Lines'..., apparently these humanoids have mastered rudimentary skills of making and modifying tools.

John Lines.jpg


We call this one 'Ron Hawk'..., the 'pottery' used for his drink is a few steps up from other artifacts found at this location on the planet.

Ron Hawk.jpg


Ron Hawk and one we named 'Steven Aggas'.... Obviously the force-field holographic duck blind, thought to provide cover this close to their camp, was spotted by these two. This encounter will have to be erased from their short-term memory.

Ron and Steven.jpg


We've named this one 'Don Wrigley'..., what better name, must have seen John using those objects and they all love to use them to chisel glyphs on that wooden disk.

Don Wrigley.jpg


On a recent trip to Earth, for further observations of this rather odd group of humanoids, the group had grown to include two more. This one nick-named Bill Beers is apparently talking to himself as he's being ignored by the more familiar group member Steven.... Whatever that device it's unique to each individual who has one and almost no two are alike.

Bill and Steven.jpg


Oh no, has the holographic blind been spotted again?!? We'll watch this one called Joe Tocco closely to see if curiosity shows he's now looking for our observation deck so near their group. Human's tend to stare off into the distance and up at the sky quite often when there's not even a cloud in the sky, and here it's as if he's looking right at us, or hopefully through us, but we'll have the short-term memory eraser handy just in case he really has spotted us....

Joe and Bill.jpg



